Don’t let the snow stop you!

Don’t let the weather stop you from this important opportunity to meet with legislators face-to-face and remind them how the film industry impacts Washington State through job creation, economic activity, and cultural enrichment.
If you’re not working next Tuesday, PLEASE come out and help raise the profile of film in Washington State at Film Day.
Elected officials need to see your face and hear your story, so that they understand that the film industry is powered by the people that live and work in Washington State.
Film Day 2020
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Olympia, Washington
Registration – 8:30 am
Industry Welcome – 9:30 am
Meetings with Legislators – 10:00am – 2:00pm
Join us!
Click here to RSVP
Registration closes on Wednesday, January 15.
We will send out an RSVP packet closer to the date with more detailed information.
Questions? Email us at [email protected]